Of Fire and Furry

Written by Ben Wolf

September 7, 2020

Have you ever heard of Ravzar, the God of Beasts?”
Garrick scoffed, and he couldn’t help but grin. “Yes.”
“Legend has it he created a special breed of feline—that’s another name for ‘cat’—”
“I know what it means.” “Anyway, he created a special breed of cat that has wings, breathes fire, and can fly,” Ronin continued. “They’re called hellcats.”

I recently got published in an anthology.

A friend of mine, the talented and lovely Kate Pickford, offered me the chance to submit a short story to a project she had started.

I was slammed with editing work at the time (no complaints!), but I gradually worked through all of that while letting my subconscious think through some ideas of what I could write for it.

By the time I sat down to write my story, it was due the next day. It took me the better part of a Saturday, but I hammered out over 9,000 words (the submission limit was 8,000).

The next day, several hours before the midnight deadline, as I self-edited the piece, I also whittled away at the text until I got it back under 8,000 words. The end result was a tightly written, fun story set in my Blood Mercenaries universe. I called it Of Fire and Furry.

Long story short, Kate called it a “pro-level” story, which has been one of the highlights of my year so far and accepted it into the anthology (I had to implement some of her edits on the piece, but she knows her stuff, so I was happy to do them because they really improved the story).

Want to grab that anthology and read Of Fire and Furry? Pick it up at http://www.books.to/hellcats. (Print copies are forthcoming!)

As a bonus, 100% of revenues from your purchase go to help prevent an elderly woman named Erada from being evicted from her home.

Get it now!


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